Thursday, 7 July 2011

Panda1: Going to Shanghai!!

Hi cri~

As we all been well informed, Sukkie is now on his way to Shanghai. 
Eels and paparazzi are flooding in Shanghai Airport. Security officers are lining all the way from the arrival door and getting ready, because eels battle gonna be "fierce", kekekee :D

And few minutes ago, China eel informed that she saw Jason pass in front of her. Hmm..Sukkie will be arrive pretty soon now~

Supportive eels bring along their cheering fans and big banners!! Check these out:

Cool isn't it?! Having friends to share the enjoyment together~

A loooooooooooongggg limousine is warming up the engine ready to wheel ^O^

Inside the limo, there's rose & Champagne:

And finally after the long wait, Sukkie arrive looking good with a big smile on his face.His wearing shade, black jacket & white inner Tee :D

Some eels wait at the hotel to greet him there:

Some other interesting photos:

#1 One of the banner on the rented car says:

#2 A truck-loaded luggage, some eel jokes saying "Suk is planning to move to Shanghai!" Hahahaa :D

#3 Huang Huang taking photo pose:

#4 'Ghostly' Geunsama, LOLz :D This is what happen when everyone's elbow kiss each other =P

(p/s: I feel lucky I can catch JKS latest update from Shanghai, but I cannot promise I can still doing so. Thanx to my twin sister allowing me to use her laptop :D )

Source: as tagged@weibo

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